
Ready to book a volunteer, internship, mentorship, or study abroad program with us? Follow these steps below to book your project, or contact us if you have any questions.

Planning and Research

Get the Facts

Step 1 Research Our Projects

Step 1: Research

Read through the webpage of the project you are interested in joining, what is included, and decide if that project is a right fit for you. Consider the costs involved, project durations, the requirements, and what you are able to do.

Step 2: Learn about us

Feel free to learn more about us and what we stand for. Read about us, check out our reviews, download our brochure, or read through our FAQ.

Step 3: Open a dialogue with family and advisors

Start talking with your parents or guardian, friends, academic advisors, or mentors about the project, why you want to join, and what you hope to accomplish during your trip. Be sure to share our website or brochure with them.

Step 4: Connect with a Project Advisor

Reach out to us to connect with a Project Advisor who will guide you through the enrollment process, answer any questions you have, help you set your goals and itinerary, and meet with you and your parents or guardians to provide more information.


Get Started

Step 2 Book Now 1

Step 1: Apply

Complete the application form. By applying you won’t be making a commitment or locking yourself into the project, so you are free to explore other options and compare our projects with others. Instead, your application will help us better advise you, plan your itinerary and customize a project for you. We review and respond to applications within 48 hours.

Step 2: Meet us

Schedule a virtual meeting with us. If you are under 18, you are required to have a parent or guardian present. Meetings are done on Zoom, Google Meets, or via phone call.

Step 3: Review your project’s tuition cost

Review the offer email, which includes the cost, sample itinerary, what is included, and what you need to submit.

Step 4: Secure your placement

Pay the Enrollment Fee and a deposit on the Project Tuition. You have the option to pay the Project Tuition in full or request a payment plan.

Step 5: Start submitting documents

Submit outstanding payments and documents

The documents you should submit include:

  • 2 Reference letters (1 personal, 1 professional)
  • 1 recent photo id (passport, national id, school id, or driver’s license)
  • Proof of travel insurance
  • Flight itinerary
  • Completed application form
  • CV or resume (Internships)
  • Proof of qualifications (if you are certified or have experience in a specific field)


Get Ready to Go

Step 3 - Pre-Arrival

Step 1: Onboarding call

Within a month of the start date of your project, we will host a 2-hour onboarding call on Zoom or Google Meets with you. This includes an official welcome, tips and guides, and interactive lessons on Jamaican culture, Patois (our local dialect), and a lesson on safety and security. You can do the session in a single sitting or as two separate sessions (1 hour long each).

Step 2: Ensure you are travel ready

Check your passport to ensure it will not expire during your trip, research if you need a visa to stay in Jamaica, obtain a travel medical insurance plan that covers you during your entire project, and book your flights.

Step 3: Finalize your enrollment

Confirm that all fees are paid, and submit all required documents.

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Proceed Booking

Book An Online Meeting

Volunteers, Interns & Students

If you are looking to join a volunteer project, internship, study abroad or gap year project with us, use this link to book a 30-min meeting to discuss your project.

Partners & Travel Agents

Do you want to work with Jamaica International Projects? Book some time on our calendar for a partnership meeting or for travel agent arrangements.

Ready To Apply?

Select the appropriate application form to get started. By applying you will not be making a commitment to a project, and you will not be charged at this moment.

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