1 Day & Placement Only Terms and Conditions

Updated May 5, 2023

This document outlines the terms and services between yourself and Jamaica International Projects (registered as Barnett’s International Project). Throughout the remainder of this agreement, we shall use the name Jamaica International Projects to represent the business. By applying for any of our 1 Day or Program Placement services, you agree to accept the terms of the agreement as outlined below.

If you are booking a Full Package Volunteer, Internship or Study Abroad Project, you agree to be bound by the terms outlined in our Full Project Terms & Conditions. By continuing to book your project you agree that you have read and understood the terms outlined in the Full Project Terms & Conditions.

Please read through this agreement in its entirety before clicking I agree and completing your online application. By selecting the field labeled as “I have thoroughly read through the Terms and Condition Agreement and I accept and agree to all legal terms outlined’, and by submitting your application form, you agree to the following terms:

Services That We Provide

Jamaica International Projects agrees to provide the following services if they apply to your package attached to the application form, as outlined on the website page. These services may include:

  • Pre-arrival support & planning
  • Local project placement
  • Providing you with a detailed itinerary
  • Processing all project-related documentation
  • Accompanying you to your project site on the first day
  • Providing you with a Certificate at the end of your placement
  • Patois and Jamaican culture classes

Non-Refundable Enrollment Fee

All 1 day or placement-only projects incur an enrollment fee, ranging from $100 USD to $800 USD per person. The cost of your enrollment fee will be outlined by email from Jamaica International Projects. These fees become due either immediately after your application is processed and approved (if your project will begin within the next 60 days), or once you are 100% sure of your project start date, and you are ready to commit and secure your placement. The enrollment fee is non-refundable and covers your project placement, pre-arrival support, in-country support and your certificate of participation. The Enrollment Fee must be paid before your placement is made.

Other Incurred Costs Related To Your Project

You agree to be solely responsible for all other expenses related to your project, or those incurred during your stay in Jamaica including accommodation, flights, all meals, transportation, airport pickup/return etc. unless otherwise stated by your booking voucher/email.


All travelers that join our programs MUST be covered by a comprehensive travel insurance policy. There are no exceptions. You can either purchase travel insurance on your own, or you can work with our partner insurance provider, who offers our clients affordable packages. CLICK HERE to purchase an affordable travel insurance policy from them, if you do not have one already.

Refund And Cancellation Policy

Your Placement Only Enrollment Fee and 1 Day Volunteer Enrollment Fee is NON REFUNDABLE.

Usage Of Images, Videos, Testimonials, And Written Content

Jamaica International Projects reserves the right to use all of your photos, videos, written content, testimonials and any other forms of media for use on our website(s), social media accounts, partner websites or promotional media. If you do not wish for content of you to be used, you must submit an email stating this to us before your project commences. You reserve the right to revoke this permission any time during or after your program commences.

Personal Risk

Traveling to any country in the world carries a set of risks. By accepting the terms of this agreement, you agree that Jamaica International Projects will not be held liable or responsible for any loss of property, harm or distress caused directly or indirectly by any of the following forces:

  • Act of God
  • Emotional distress
  • Physical injury
  • Disease or illness
  • War
  • Terrorism
  • Damage or loss of property
  • Hostage situations

Termination Of Your Project Contract

Jamaica International Projects reserves the right to terminate your contract without refund if you are found to have committed one of the following offenses while on your project:

  • Use of illegal drugs and substances
  • Providing false information to us during the application process
  • Sexually or physically harassing or assaulting our employees or partners
  • Committing a criminal offense
  • Leaving your accommodation or project without prior notice
  • Engaging in illegal activities

Usage Of Marijuana

Although marijuana is now legalized in Jamaica for personal use (less than 2 oz.) you will still be held responsible for any and all legal action taken against you if arrested for the possession of marijuana. For more information on the laws governing marijuana use, CLICK HERE.

Jamaica International Projects and its employees reserve the right to refuse to assist you with purchasing or acquiring marijuana or any other drug.

Smoking & Drinking

Both smoking and drinking are prohibited while you are at your project site. This includes smoking cigarettes, cigars, marijuana or consuming any form of alcoholic beverages.

Age Of Consent For Alcohol Consumption

The age of consent for the consumption of alcohol in Jamaica is 18. Clients under 18 will not be allowed to purchase alcoholic beverages on the property, and are advised not to drink. You will be held responsible if legal action is taken against you by law enforcement for underage drinking. Please take along a valid photo id. You are expected to abide by the age of consent of your native country.

Governing Law Of This Agreement

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of Jamaica.

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Volunteers, Interns & Students

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